Thomson Reuters Adds Intraday Bond Evaluations to DataScope
The intraday prices will allow users to value portfolios at any point during the day for greater accuracy.
MTS Markets Unveils BondVision US Trading Platform
Brokers can broaden their Euro government bond offerings to the buy side.
Quandl Taps DataYes for Chinese Fundamental Data
Alliance gives Quandl clients access to Chinese data, while DataYes gains distribution in North America.
Icap Launches Bond Index, Publishes Index Data on Bloomberg
The broker has designed the new index to outperform stable or rising US Treasury markets.
Bond ATS OpenBondX Preps Order Book, Real-Time Feed
OpenBondX, a startup alternative trading system for fixed income securities, is planning to make firm quote and trade data available via a real-time proprietary datafeed and via Bloomberg, once it rolls out a central limit order book in the second phase…
Icap Preps Bond Pricing Service, Taps Interactive Data Evaluations
Changing bond market conditions require a new breed of pricing solutions, officials say.
Icap Readies European Bond Data Feed, Historical i-Swap Data
New feed will provide transparency for price discovery and portfolio analysis
Interactive Data Maps Expansion of ‘Continuous’ Pricing Service
Planned enhancements will increase coverage, building on the recent release of an Excel add-in.
DelphX Plans Expansion, Data on Quandl
Bond trading venue operator DelphX plans to expand its Mav=n (Market-Adjusted Value per congruent Nexus) pricing service, to provide users with fair value prices for SEC Rule 144A private placements, asset-backed and mortgage backed securities, and…
SGX Signs TradingScreen to Launch Asian Bond-Trading Platform
To drive this initiative, SGX has formed a new subsidiary, SGX Bond Trading
Deutsche Börse to Disseminate African Bond Indexes, Pricing
Data will cover indexes and pricing from 12 African countries.
FINRA, MSRB Push for Bond Reference Price Disclosure
Industry rulemaking bodies FINRA and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board are seeking comments from the industry on proposals to make bond dealers disclose same-day trade prices in the same security on trade confirmations sent to clients for retail…
CFN Adds Full-Depth eSpeed Data to Alpha Platform, Microwave Net
New fixed income data will expand appeal of vendor's platform, while accelerating eSpeed data delivery
MTS Preps Adds to MTS Data
London Stock Exchange Group-owned MTS Markets International (MTS US) is planning to launch a new market data service that will enable users to subscribe to individual bonds and groups of bonds traded on its recently acquired MTS trading…
IDC Expands Real-Time Bond Evaluated Pricing Service
Interactive Data has expanded its continuous fixed income evaluated pricing service to provide users with real-time evaluated prices for US Treasury, agency and corporate bonds, TBA mortgage-backed securities, and mortgage-backed securities pass-through…
Thomson Reuters to Step Up UBS Index Data Integration, Post-Acquisition
Thomson Reuters says it will continue to distribute data on the UBS Convertible Indexes via its Eikon terminal, Elektron network and datafeeds, after acquiring the convertible bond benchmarks from UBS, renaming them the Thomson Reuters Convertible…
IDC Adds Asia Bonds to Evaluation Service
Interactive Data has expanded its New York Close International Fixed Income Evaluation Services to include coverage of sovereign and corporate bonds issued in the Asia‐Pacific region, after adding NY Close European, Middle‐Eastern, and African (EMEA)…
TPI, Nasdaq Ally for eSpeed Treasury Data, Sales Deal
Tullett Prebon Information (TPI), the data arm of interdealer broker Tullett Prebon, and Nasdaq OMX have struck a partnership for TPI to integrate benchmark US Treasury bond data from Nasdaq’s eSpeed electronic trading platform into its products and…
Thomson Reuters Adds TPI Indian Bond Data to Eikon
Thomson Reuters has added real-time data on over-the-counter bond markets in India from Tullett Prebon Information, the data arm of interdealer broker Tullett Prebon, to its Eikon desktop terminal and datafeeds, to provide clients with greater…
Credit Benchmark Readies Launch for 2014
London-based startup consensus credit ratings provider Credit Benchmark has begun its proof-of-concept phase with an undisclosed number of contributing banks, ahead of a full production launch scheduled for early next year.
Thomson Reuters Taps TPI for China Bond Data
Thomson Reuters has added real-time Chinese bond data from Tullett Prebon Information, the data arm of interdealer broker Tullett Prebon, to its Eikon desktop terminal and standalone data applications, to provide domestic and international customers with…
SocGen Bond Prices on Thomson Reuters Trading Platform, Data Services
Société Générale has begun contributing cash bond prices to Thomson Reuters' Fixed Income Trading electronic platform, expanding the bank's price distribution to a broader base of trading desks at private banks and wealth managers, while increasing the…
Tullett Prebon Information Issues China Bond Pricing Service
Tullett Prebon Information (TPI), the data arm of interdealer broker Tullett Prebon, will this week launch a new Chinese bond pricing service to provide global and domestic traders with prices for instruments traded on Shanghai’s over-the-counter bond…