Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
CBOE Buys Livevol Options Data, Analytics Platforms
CBOE will leverage Livevol's data assets to create greater insight into CBOE's data.
Exchange Revenue Figures Rise, Fall; Data Revenues Continue Steady Increase
A mostly positive mix of Q1 results also yield big increases in data revenues for some exchanges.
Opening Cross: Market Data’s Facebook Status Would Be ‘It’s Complicated…’
As data becomes more sophisticated, data management becomes more complicated.
CBOE Hikes BBO, Depth Fees, Cuts COB Charges
Fee changes aim to support the cost of additional content, while attracting more trading.
CBOE Launches VIX Indexes on CME FX Contracts
The Chicago Board Options Exchange has begun calculating and distributing index values for three new foreign exchange volatility indexes based on CME Group-listed US dollar-euro, dollar-pounds sterling and dollar-Japanese yen futures options contracts.
Opening Cross: Will 2015 Be a Happy New Year?
As predictable as the inevitable wave of unwanted Christmas gift returns, the New Year has brought a wave of new fees and policies from marketplaces, including a new minimum fee from Nasdaq for exchanges, ATS and broker-run trading platforms that use non…
OneChicago Preps Migration off CBOE Feed Network
OneChicago data will no longer be available in CBOE format from June.
CBOE, Bursa Malaysia, CME, BME Lead Upbeat Q3 Exchange Data Revenues with Double-Digit Growth
Major global exchanges reported growth in market data sales in their latest round of financial results, typically delivering revenue increases of between 5 and 10 percent, with four achieving even higher growth, and usually—though not in all cases…
Statistical Data Products Vet Goldberg Climbs at CBOE
The Chicago Board Options Exchange has promoted 34-year CBOE veteran Alicia Goldberg to vice president of statistical analysis.
Interactive Data Rolls Out FutureSource 4.0
Interactive Data has released version 4.0 of its web-based FutureSource market data and analytics platform, featuring new content sets and capabilities.
Update: Q2 Exchange Data Revenues Rise, Despite Mixed Overall Financials
Major exchanges worldwide posted significant increases in market data sales in their latest round of their financial results, though they also recorded a mixed bag of total revenues as a consequence of low volumes and low interest rates.
Dickey to Direct OPRA
Market data industry veteran Steve Dickey has been appointed director of the Options Price Reporting Authority, which manages the OPRA consolidated feed of US exchange-traded options quote and trade data.
CBOE to Invest in Tradelegs
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) says it will stake the analytics and decision-support software provider to institutional investors.
Exchange Data Revenues Run Gambit of Gains and Losses
Major exchanges reported a mixed bag of fourth-quarter financial results, with some reporting spectacular gains as a result of acquisitions and new initiatives, and others reporting lower revenues from data sales as a result of fewer subscriber numbers.
CBOE Eyes 12-Month Latency Cuts
The Chicago Board Options Exchange is in the middle of an ongoing project to reduce data and transaction latency across its trading systems to less than 100 microseconds, building on existing latency reductions achieved as a result of moving its primary…
Opening Cross: Things That Go Bump in the Night
The combination of Halloween and Mercury in retrograde is creating some haunting technical glitches and cost challenges for the data industry.
Update: OPRA Data Issue Halts Options Exchanges
The Options Price Reporting Authority was forced to cancel a software upgrade for its feed of consolidated US options quote and trade data on Monday Sept. 16, after the upgrade caused issues with calculation of the national best bid and offer price,…
OPRA Data Issue Halts Options Exchanges
Unidentified system issues at the Options Price Reporting Authority, which creates the OPRA consolidated feed of US options quote and trade data, forced options exchanges to halt trading this afternoon.