Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT)
Fair Play? The Balancing Act of Finra's Involvement in the Selection and Bidding of the CAT
The fact the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is involved in both the selecting and bidding of the Consolidated Audit Trail has caused the regulatory body to take some heat.
Opening Cross: Will Cost Concerns Neuter Future Litters of CATs?
Belgian beer-maker Stella Artois’ long-running “Reassuringly Expensive” ad probably didn’t win fans among market data managers, who continue to shudder at the thought of any kind of cost increase.
SROs Submit Plan for Audit Trail, Initial Costs Estimates Average $53 Million
A group of self-regulatory organizations (SROs) selected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) submitted its plan to build, implement and maintain the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) that will track activity in every National Market System (NMS)…
Opening Cross: Data Dilemmas Will Be Just Fine... If You Read the Fine Print
The financial markets are full of nostalgic tales about how deals used to be done on a handshake in the street. Unfortunately—or perhaps fortunately, depending on your point of view—those days are gone. Now, there’s a paper trail for everything—in fact,…
Opening Cross: Declare Your Independence from Traditional Data Uses
While the majority of Inside Market Data’s coverage has traditionally centered around the use of data to directly support trading activities—such as the transmission of prices via datafeeds or terminal displays to traders and trading applications—and…
Exchanges, FINRA Reveal CAT Operator Shortlist
US self-regulatory organizations, including US exchanges and regulator FINRA, have selected six potential candidates for the role of processor of the US consolidated audit trail (CAT), which will capture all trades, quotes, cancellations and other…
CAT Bid List Shrinks to Six
The national securities exchanges and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Finra) have selected six bids from the list of ten request-for-proposal (RFP) responses that were submitted to build and maintain the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT).
Exchanges, FINRA Inch Closer to CAT Plan
US self-regulatory organizations including the US exchanges and regulator FINRA are preparing to narrow down the list of candidates for the role of processor of the US consolidated audit trail (CAT), which will capture all trades, quotes, cancellations…
Industry Firms Consult on CAT NMS Plan Response
As self-regulatory organizations evaluate bids to become the Consolidated Audit Trail processor, the Development Advisory Group of industry firms and organizations will offer input on related time stamping and manual order issues
Consolidated Audit Trail Given New Momentum
The US Securities and Exchange Commission has introduced a new set of deadlines and steps toward implementation of a consolidated audit trail (CAT)¬-which is designed to capture trades, quotes, cancellations and other information across US-listed…
Consolidated Audit Trail Gets New Push
Bidding to become the processor of consolidated audit trail has just closed, leading into a process of choices and approvals by the SEC and self-regulatory organizations likely to last into 2015 and beyond
Max Bowie: Fighting Fragmentation: The Rising Cost of Connecting the Dots
Regulator-led trading market structure changes also require regulator-mandated changes to data consolidation. But without that—or at least, universal support from participants—Max wonders whether such initiatives are doomed to being expensive headaches…