European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Taps SIA-Colt for Target2-Securities Connection
ECB to utilize the SIA network infrastructure to connect to pan-European securities settlement platform.
More Flesh to the Bone of AnaCredit
ECB releases draft of regulation, but questions remain
Euroclear Announces Wave Two Migration Delay for T2S
Euroclear Belgian, Dutch and French CSD’s require more time to ensure stable migration to securities settlement platform.
Open Platform: A Utility for Market Transparency
European DataWarehouse created a standardized repository of ABS data to improve data quality and restore confidence in the structured credit markets.
Bankers Want Consultation on Draft Regulation
ECB 'has not communicated properly with stakeholders' on AnaCredit
Italy Joins Target-2Securities After Two Month Delay
Arrival of Monte Titoli CSD completes first wave of migration to securities settlement platform.
AnaCredit is the Future
But the European Central Bank may have a difficult time convincing market participants
No Absolutes About Value
Taking an overarching view of data governance plans means deciding what approach offers more value
Bracing for AnaCredit
Market participants raise concerns about ECB’s plan for analytical risk dataset
Tradeweb Awarded Pair of ECB Mandates
Tradeweb captures two contracts to supply its electronic trading platform (ETP) to the European Central Bank (ECB).
Target2-Securities: So Far, So Good as First Systems Go Live
After nine years of preparation Target2-Securities, the pan-European securities settlement platform, went live on time with a minimum of disruption.
IRD's Editor on February Issue Features
Data organization, connection and expansion issue feature in February issue
What Do You Know and When Do You Know It?
Recent IRD features focus on the challenges of collecting and accessing data in timely fashion
2015: Year of the LEI Break-Out?
MiFID II, CSDR and Other Regulations Make LEI Harder to Ignore
UniCredit Connects to Euroclear for Triparty Collateral Pledge
This industry first takes advantage of the recent changes in Eurosystem rules that allow central banks to provide Eurosystem liquidity via a triparty platform.
European Union ... Of Data Regulation
Identification, Clearance and Reporting All Affected
Moving Ahead With Target2-Securities
Strong Governance "Has Kept Us On Track"
Northern Trust Appoints Deustche Bank, Euroclear Ahead of T2S Implementation
Northern Trust has selected Deutsche Bank and Euroclear to support its strategy ahead of the implementation of Target2-Securities, or T2S, the centralized securities settlement system aiming at harmonizing settlement infrastructure across Europe.
ECB: Eurosystem Ready for User Testing on T2S Platform
The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced that the Eurosystem is ready to begin user testing on the Target2–Securities (T2S) platform, the pan-European project aimed at providing a single system for settling central bank securities transactions.
The March of LEI Progress
The legal entity identifier still has its hurdles to clear for full implementation, as panelists in an October 18 webcast acknowledge. Michael Shashoua reports their concerns about private-public cooperation, federated system structure and onboarding and…
LEI Progress & What It Means For Data Management -- webcast
Inside Reference Data gathered leading industry experts for a webcast on October 18, 2013 to discuss recent efforts by financial trading firms implementing the global legal entity identifier (LEI), and what these developments mean for managing new…
LEI Committee Considers Translation Issues, Validation Processes
The Committee of Evaluation and Standards is investigating how historical data should be treated when a legal entity identifier record is transferred from one issuing utility to another; contingencies for entities that receive more than one LEI; the…
T2S Will Increase Settlement Costs, Push CSD Consolidation, Sibos/SIX Survey Finds
A survey of attendees at Sibos 2013 in Dubai found that participants expect settlement costs to increase, thanks to the Target2-Securities (T2S) project. Bob Almanas of SIX Securities Services discusses the company's preparations for T2S