European Securities and Markets Authority (Esma)
Tradeweb APA Signs BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Societe Generale for Mifid II Reporting
Four institutions join Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan on APA Mifid II reporting service.
Systematic Internalizers: An Ambitious Regulation Caught in the Crossfire
The SI regime has proven to be the most fragile piece of regulation, as its legal loopholes have triggered a series of political events and has been established as the market’s most notorious law.
Buy-Side Firms Seek Order-Routing Transparency to Measure Broker Performance
Pressure on brokers is growing as asset managers demand more transparency and analytics around order routing data.
FCA Recognizes Mifid II Data Challenges but Reiterates “Real Deadline” Stance
The UK's Financial Conduct Authority is working to ensure its own readiness for Mifid II data challenges, and acknowledges that many firms will struggle with similar issues.
Brexit Undermines MiFID Data Foundations
Even after Britain leaves the European Union, financial firms wanting to do business within the EU will need to comply with MIFID II. But removing the UK from EU markets could still derail new European trading and transparency rules. Samuel Wilkes…
Regulatory Forbearance May Not Be Forthcoming for VM Rule Changes
A last-ditch plea to regulators to take a lenient approach once the variation margin requirements come into effect may fall on deaf ears.
Variation Margin Requirements: The New Big Bang
On March 1 this year, a new set of requirements for variation margins on derivatives trades take effect that will affect nearly all market participants across both cleared and non-cleared derivatives. In the run-up to the deadline, John Brazier finds…
January 2017: The (Probably) Final Countdown
With MiFID II just 12 months away, Max previews this issue of Inside Data Management's focus on the upcoming European regulation.
The Aggressive & the Cautious: The Buy Side's Reaction to MAR
The implementation of the Market Abuse Regulation last year was a small sample of what the market can expect when Mifid II takes effect next year.
December 2016: Do You Manage or Solve Data?
Inside Data Management's combination of market data and reference data topics will reflect a growing convergence between different aspects of data management.
Tackling Transparency: ESMA Eyes Ratings Opacity
ESMA plans to more closely supervise rating agencies' pricing policies, in response to what user firms say is a lack of transparency.
Panel Voices Concern Over Fixed-Income Trading Under Mifid II
ETAS panel says electronification of bond trading will be adversely affected by new regulation unless market, product dynamics are recognized.
Change is Coming... But This Time, It's Change For The Better
Get ready for the next decade of reference data and data management coverage.
‘Gray Areas’ Remain in ESMA's MiFID II Guidance
European regulator's clarifications could be the last that firms get before directive goes live in 2018
Mifid II: Best Execution May See Heads Roll
The incoming changes to best execution practices mean participants across the industry must get to grips with various data challenges.
MiFID II: The Unintended Accelerator in the Next Industry Standards Evolution
Sponsored feature: Thomson Reuters
ESMA Releases MiFID II Transaction Reporting Guidelines
More pressure for reporting and data accuracy on the buy side, says analyst
Powering Up Your Data Assets
The regulatory impetus to collect more data from a greater number of sources could produce new business insights, but that will require firms to rethink their approaches to data management and automation. Joanna Wright reports from Sibos 2016
Regulators Are Holding All the Cards, But Will They Play Them?
After years of rigorous sell-side regulations, the buy side is experiencing its turn in the spotlight as the eventual implementation of Mifid II approaches, but John thinks the European regulators need to decide on a more clearly defined position.
MiFID II and Plato: Without Further Ado
Time isn't on anyone's side, so John thinks it's time for action on MiFID II and the future of Plato Partnership.
Industry Still Lacks Golden Source for Reportable Securities
ESMA list the only option but 'far from ideal', says expert
Opening Cross: My Campaign for Data Democracy Will ‘Trump’ Donald and Hillary
With US political conventions in full swing, Max outlines his manifesto for data democracy.
ESMA Fines Fitch for Ratings Rules Breaches
Over an 18-month period, ESMA found nine instances where Fitch analysts shared information with Fitch's parent company, in breach of ESMA rules.
FIX Bows V3 of MMT Trade Reporting Tags
FIX Trading Community, the governing body of the FIX Protocol, will publish full documentation for version 3.0 of its MMT standard later this year.