Fixed income
Bloomberg Launches Liquidity Assessment Tool for Bond Liquidity Risk
New tool powered by machine learning to tackle ongoing bond liquidity issues through a quantitative approach.
ICE Buys S&P Evaluations Biz, CMA to Boost OTC Evaluations
S&P is pulling out of the evaluated pricing business after failing to attract critical mass, officials say.
Fixed Income: Electronic Evolution
The historic liquidity issues plaguing the fixed-income market have been recognized for some time and a number of trading platforms have been launched to facilitate trading, particularly within the secondary bond market.
RW Baird Taps Magenta Bond Benchmarks as Bloomberg Completes BMRK Integration
The financial firm can now use the Magenta Line pricing tool more fully now Bloomberg has integrated it into its trading platforms.i
Bloomberg Integrates Magenta Line Pre-Trade Pricing into Professional Terminal
BMRK uses the Magenta Line technology acquired from Benchmark Solutions, which closed in 2013.
Fixed-Income Liquidity: An Alternative FIX
Numerous market participants have responded to the problem of shallow liquidity in fixed-income markets with the launch of new trading platforms, but without any tangible success.
SS&C Expands Evaluated Pricing Survey, Preps 2016 Rankings
The survey shows the most accurate providers of evaluated pricing for specific securities types.
Markit Eyes Regulation-Led Liquidity Tools, Real-Time Bond Pricing for '16
The vendor is expanding its fixed income pricing capabilities in response to opportunities created by new regulations.
Neptune Collaboration to Enhance Standardization, Liquidity to Fixed-Income Markets
Initiative to ease access to fixed-income liquidity through standardized information opens to wider bond markets.
Quincy Eyes Asia, Fixed Income for Growth
After initially focusing on the US and Europe for equities and derivatives, Quincy is now looking to Asia and bond markets.
Solactive Launches Benchmarks, Sets Roadmap for Smart Beta Indexes
Clients will be able to use Solactive's benchmarks as the basis for their own indexes, or to benchmark investment strategies.
2015 Year in Review: FICC Market Evolution Spawns New Low-Latency Data, Tech
Data consumers and vendors are seeking to apply strategies and technologies from equities to other markets.
DelphX Negotiation Tool Allows Dealers to Quote Corporate Bonds Held by Investors
The tool allows dealers to negotiate future transactions that allow them to take advantage of bond inventories held by investors.
Empirasign Opens London Office to Grow EU Bond Market Penetration
Empirasign is adding staff and has adapted its alerts feature to reflect the needs of the local bond market.
Kuberre Systems Picks Up Interactive Data Fixed-Income Pricing
Data management and analytics provider will offer Continuous Evaluated Pricing Service through its platform
Redline Adds eSpeed to InRush Ticker in Fixed Income Push
eSpeed's treasury platform is the first fixed income market for which Redline has added support to its feed handlers and ticker plant.
Celoxica Adds Bond Feed Support
Officials say the addition of Brokertec and eSpeed is in response to increased electronification of bond markets.
APFIC Panelists Call for More Data, Greater Electronification to Fix Fixed Income Liquidity Crisis
Industry calls for more fixed income data in Asia
Off the Chain: The Blockchain Battle
Tim Bourgaize Murray surveys industry perspectives on Blockchain's potential, and finds a battle brewing.
NovaSparks Adds BrokerTec ITCH Feed in First Fixed Income Foray
The vendor is expanding its low-latency datafeed handling to the liquid US Treasuries market.
Thomson Reuters Adds Evaluations for Marketplace Loans
The vendor has partnered with fixed income valuations specialist MountainView IPS for hard-to-value loans.
ICE Positions as Valuations Vendor with Interactive Data Buy; Data Consumers Concerned by Potential Impact on Competition
User firms remain wary of potential price increases for IDC data under ICE ownership.
China Broker CCT-BGC Inks Bond Data Deals with Shanghai Wind, Sumscope
BGC's market data division will manage distribution of the joint venture's data via the vendors.
MUFG Fund Services Taps Markit for Bond Pricing
The prices will support MUFG's NAV calculations for fund clients