Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
Colt, NovaSparks Ally for FPGA-Normalized Tokyo Feed
NovaSparks has deployed its FPGA technology in the Tokyo Stock Exchange's co-lo facility, "wrapped in" Colt's MarketPrizm API for ease of access.
NovaSparks Expands NovaTick Market Coverage
The new additions covering Asia-Pacific, Scandinavia and Canada bring NovaSparks' total coverage to more than 50 markets worldwide.
NovaSparks Cuts Book-Building Latency FPGA Ticker Plant
NovaSparks has taken 300 nanoseconds out of its feed-handling process by rewriting its book-building component.
Metamako's Metamux 48 Switch Adds Ports, Lowers Latency
The vendor has increased the number of ports on the switch by 50 percent to 48, and has added support for Altera FPGAs, potentially reducing latency.
NovaSparks Bows NovaLink to Connect Ticker Plant to Client FPGA Systems
The FPGA-to-FPGA link allows users to bypass CPUs that can add latency and processing time.
NovaSparks Adds CBOE As First FPGA Direct Options Feed
NovaSparks has designed its own FPGAs to cope with the high-volume, bursty nature of equity options feeds.
LSE ‘Group Ticker’ Delivers Lower, Predictable Latency; Lays Foundation for Future Data Products
Officials say the Group Ticker Plant will serve as the underlying architecture for developing new services in the future.
Opening Cross: Roses? Say It With Data!
Romance isn't dead; at least, not according to the data...
Exablaze Slashes NIC Latency; Improves Compatibility, Synchronization
The vendor's latest NIC card features improvements designed to improve latency and increase ease of deployment.
2015 Year in Review: FICC Market Evolution Spawns New Low-Latency Data, Tech
Data consumers and vendors are seeking to apply strategies and technologies from equities to other markets.
Metamako Launches FPGA Partner Program
The program is designed to make it easier for vendors and consumers to deploy FPGA-accelerated applications.
UPDATE: Solarflare Fires Up Second-Gen Network Adapter
The new adapter features a smaller FPGA card that will enable it to fit in more servers and attract a wider audience.
NovaSparks Slashes CME Feed Latency
The vendor's FPGA platform reduces latency for CME's feed by 40 percent, officials say.
Celoxica Adds Eurex Feed Handlers to Ticker Plant
The vendor hopes the support for more feeds will broaden its appeal to more enterprise-wide uses.
xCelor Slashes Switch Latency, Bolsters Troubleshooting Capabilities
The vendor has also begun building its own FPGA boards to support its switches and feed handlers.
Celoxica FPGA Ticker Tackles OPRA Feed Volume, Server Footprint
The new FPGA-based service significantly reduces the server footprint required to manage OPRA data.
Thomson Reuters Adds OPRA Support to FPGA Feed, Begins Europe Rollout
The service will provide improved latency and reduced hardware footprint for OPRA data subscribers.
NovaSparks Bows Montreal Exchange FPGA Handler
The new feed handler brings the total number of markets supported by NovaSparks to 38.
Algo-Logic Updates 40G Endpoint Device to Speed FPGA Data
Upgraded device will enable applications running on FPGAs in datacenters to handle more data with lower latency.
Metamako Launches MetaApp Platform for Custom Network Apps
Switch vendor leverages low-latency tech to create a developmment framework.
NovaSparks Adds CHX Handler, Completing US Equities Coverage
Support for all US protected markets will allow users to calculate best bid and offer prices at lower latency.
NanoSpeed Slashes FPGA Trading, Data Exchange Gateway
Vendor claims new component is significantly faster than its own--and competitors'--existing offerings.
Exegy Ramps Up Data Capacity, Monitoring in 4th-Gen Appliance
New appliances will deliver significant processing, storage and cost improvements, officials say.
NovaSparks Lays Out 10-Fold Ticker Market Expansion Plan for 2015
New version of NovaTick inclides significantly higher bandwidth limits