Time's Up: Esma Sticks to the Schedule for Mifid II LEI Compliance
Esma’s ‘No LEI, No Trade’ policy gets real after the official end of a grace period on Mifid II’s LEI requirement, while at the same time Hong Kong regulators have introduced a new LEI mandate to boost identifier use in the region. Jamie Hyman and Wei…
TOFIS Panel: Data Linkages Pose Key Challenges to Alt Data Use
Max Bowie reports from Toronto on Canadian firms' opinions of the challenges associated with using alternative data.
Best Reference Data Provider: S&P Global Market Intelligence
IMD/IRD Awards 2018
Best Reference Data Initiative: SIX
IMD/IRD Awards 2018
Best Market Data Provider (Exchange): London Stock Exchange
IMD/IRD Awards 2018
APAs Under Pressure as Esma Cracks Down on Data Tangle
Reporting platforms told by regulator to substantially improve quality of publicly reported data.
Hong Kong Regulators Propose LEI Mandate
HKMA and SFC would stagger the implementation dates for different reporting entities.
Europe’s Mifid Monster Lurches to Life
January 3 went smoothly for many, but the launch of Europe's far-reaching reform package wasn't without problems.
Esma’s LEI Xmas Extension: Last-Minute Gift or Lump of Coal?
Jamie Hyman talks with an LEI issuer, advocate and end-user about how Esma’s LEI grace period will impact operations during the first half of 2018.
AFTAs 2017: Most Innovative Third-Party Technology Vendor—Infrastructure—UnaVista
UnaVista, the London Stock Exchange Group’s (LSEG’s) platform for matching, reconciliation and reporting, makes its debut at the AFTAs as winner of the most innovative third-party technology vendor (infrastructure) category, at a time when industry focus…
Tradeweb APA Bug Mires Mifir Reporting
Reporting platform began rejecting trade reports due to mismatched identifiers, banks say.
New Dawn in Europe as Mifid II Goes Live
Updated trading rules to have significant impact across all asset classes.
Technology Takes Aim at Post-Trade Black Holes
The influence of regulation and new technology is prompting a hard look at how post-trade processes can be improved, and perhaps even replaced entirely.
FCA Enhances Technology Firepower and Warns on Mifid II
The regulator says that it cannot create a layer of permitted compliance below European standards.
NEX Optimisation Upgrades Harmony for Mifid II
Enhancements to Harmony will allow buy-side firms to coordinate with sell-side counterparties around reporting.
Bloomberg Gets GLEIF LOU Nod
To avoid falling foul of MiFID II's 'No LEI, No Trade' rule, Bloomberg will make LEIs available to clients via three mechanisms.
‘Gray Areas’ Remain in ESMA's MiFID II Guidance
European regulator's clarifications could be the last that firms get before directive goes live in 2018
Industry Consortium to Build Standard Identifier for Derivatives
ISDA-led project aims to develop ISIN-like standard to address regulatory and liquidity challenges
ISIN Identifier Standard Widened For Regulatory Compliance
The scope of the key securities identifier, the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), has been widened. The updated standard will improve transparency and efficiency for both regulators and firms, says Dan Kuhnel, chairman of the…
Numbering Agencies Update ISIN Standard
Members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies have broadened the standard to cover more instrument types
CFTC Opens Discussions on Standard Structure for Global UTI
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission has begun speaking to other regulators about the possibility of creating a standard structure for a global unique transaction identifier
LEI: A Question of Registration
Registering Interest?
The Road to a Global LEI
In May, a coalition of financial services trade associations released detailed requirements for a global legal entity identifier and launched a formal process to review proposals from solution providers, including standards and registration authorities…
Tine Thoresen: The VIP Treatment
Much like what tourists get out of credit card or hotel loyalty rewards programs, the reference data industry can expect benefits from a unique universal legal entity identifier. And, Tine says, self-registration might be the best course of action.