Legal entity identifiers (LEIs)
Are You Sure You Don't Need A Pre-LEI?
Some industry participants have fallen into the trap of assuming requirements to report pre-legal entity identifiers under EMIR will not affect them, and they are running out of time to put things right
Pre-LEI Waiting Times Range From 24 Hours to Three Weeks as EMIR Looms
With implementation of EMIR weeks away, the production time for mandatory pre-legal entity identifiers varies between the pre-local operating units that issue the codes and depends on a number of factors
What Can Be Learned From LEI Board Nominations?
The nominations for the board of directors of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation includes some surprises and clues about the form the Central Operating Unit might take
Nominees for LEI Foundation Directors Published
Gerard Hartsink has been nominated as chair of the board of directors of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation and says he and the 15 other nominees understand the foundation and central operating unit must move quickly
Complexity or Simplicity - The Data Quality Question
Those seeking to increase data quality, cope with new identifier standards or meet the mandates laid out by Europe's new market infrastructure regulation, are looking at how to reduce the complexity of the methods designed to meet simple goals
Michael Shashoua: The Way of the World
With respect to the spread of US and Euro-centric data management systems, as well as regulation to other regions, Michael points out that the difficulties in translating new standards and laws could highlight cultural differences that service providers…
ROC Endorses More Pre-LOUs
The Regulatory Oversight Committee, which supervises legal entity identifiers globally, has approved pre-local operating units in Russia, Poland, the Netherlands and Finland
LEI's Next Steps
Strapline: Industry Warehouse
Quality's Matrix
Data quality improvement efforts—even those aimed at making the process simpler—are proving to be a complex mix involving different actions for different types of data, regulations to contend with, and management issues to be grasped. Michael Shashoua…
Europe's LEI Countdown
With the legal entity identifier set to become a mandatory requirement for derivatives trades in Europe in a matter of weeks, there are concerns that some financial firms are behind in their preparations and their clients will not register for an…
Business Entity Data special report
December 2013 - sponsored by: DTCC, SIX Financial Information, S&P Capital IQ
Irish Pre-LOU Endorsed, Future LEI Guidance Planned
Pre-legal entitiy identifiers issued by the Irish Stock Exchange can be used for regulatory reporting in the jurisdictions represented by members of the Regulatory Oversight Committee, after its pre-local operating unit was accepted as part of the…
IRD's Senior Reporter On LEI's Role in EMIR
Nicholas Hamilton discusses how the legal entity identifier can be used to easy the challenges of aggregating large amounts of data when the trade reporting requirements of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation comes into force on February 12
IRD's Editor on Data Management Collaboration
Pricing transparency and regulatory compliance efforts share a common thread: the need for collaboration.
Website Offers Detailed Pre-LEI Searches
OpenCorporates has created a new website designed to make it easy for users to conduct detailed searches of pre-legal entity identifier data and spot data quality issues
Getting to Grips with the Details of LEI Standardization
As more pre-local operating units begin to issue pre-legal entity identifiers, the website is performing an important role by providing consolidated files of pre-LEI data. Standards expert Ken Traub tells Nicholas Hamilton how came…
Fitch Solutions to Add Pre-LEIs to Unrated Entities
The data and analytics vendor currently includes pre-legal entity identifier codes for the entities rated by Fitch Ratings and now plans to do the same for its sets of unrated data, including credit default swap pricing data
HSBC Exec: Entities Without LEIs May Face Trading Restrictions in Europe
HSBC's Chris Johnson has warned market participants to ask their banks and brokers about possible trading restrictions for entities that do not have legal entity identifiers after the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation reporting requirements are…
Opening Cross: When You Look East, Look Up and Look Out
Regulation dominated the agenda at last week's Asia-Pacific Financial Information Conference. But is the region ready for the data management implications of new global and regional requirements?
Irish, Dutch Pre-LEI Data Added to Consolidated Files
Data from the Irish and Dutch pre-local operating units is now being included in the consolidated files of pre-legal entity identifier data available from the website
The March of LEI Progress
The legal entity identifier still has its hurdles to clear for full implementation, as panelists in an October 18 webcast acknowledge. Michael Shashoua reports their concerns about private-public cooperation, federated system structure and onboarding and…
Dealing With Data Dichotomies
The gap between what is required by regulations and what can realistically be achieved is becoming apparent