Waters Wrap: Blockchain is Still Overhyped (And Ion/Broadway Thoughts & the Consulting Boom)
In 2016, Anthony wrote that the blockchain revolution was overhyped—unsurprisingly, his opinions have not changed. He also delves into the Ion-Broadway deal, and looks at new consulting/advisory firms that have recently come to market.
Nasdaq, HKEx: Blockchain’s Disruptive Potential Overstated
Distributed ledger technology won’t replace existing exchange infrastructure despite potential for smaller use cases, say CEOs.
This Week: State Street/Simcorp, Bloomberg, ACA, Broadridge & More
A look at some of the past week’s financial technology news.
Bloomberg's FIGI: A Case of Red Light, Green Light
After the route toward accreditation via the ISO petered out, Bloomberg is vying to establish its reference data standard as a system of record in the US, following a win in Brazil.
This Week: Nasdaq, Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Boerse, BNP Paribas, Wolters Kluwer, and More
A summary of some of the past week's financial technology news.
Digital Rights Project for Data Usage Faces Legal, Operational Hurdles
Keen to trim the resources they expend on interpreting licenses, investment firms are exploring how they can turn data agreements into machine-readable code. Doing so is fraught with challenges.
ASX Presses Forward with DataSphere Buildout
The initiative's aim is to capture more of the exchange's internal data to commercialize that useful information for the investment community.
Exchanges, SEC At Odds Over Odd Lots
Industry insiders warn that the regulator’s attempts to modernize equities data by redefining trading lots will fall short of the mark if odd lot orders remain unprotected.
Waters Wrap: Exchanges Look to the Cloud (And More on ESG, M&A, and Vaccine Tracking Data)
As exchanges partner with cloud providers to move more functions to the cloud, Anthony wonders if these partnerships could become competitive in the future.
Multicast: The ‘Holy Grail’ for Getting Exchanges to the Cloud
Cloud providers are hunting for a way to bring multicasting to the cloud for low-latency market data distribution, unlocking the gateway for traditional exchanges to shift core infrastructure to the cloud without negatively impacting high-speed trading.
BSO to Launch Millimeter Wave Connectivity In Toronto
The vendor is growing its millimeter wave services after its 2018 acquisition of Apsara Networks.
Who Wants a Cable TV Model for Market Data, Anyway?
The concept of on-demand data isn’t new, but the technology required to make it a reality is now emerging. Max asks whether data providers have the vision and will to make it happen.
Wavelength Podcast Ep. 204: Nasdaq on Cloud Strategy
Nikolai Larbalestier, head of cloud strategy at Nasdaq, joins the podcast to talk about cloud computing and cloud adoption.
Nasdaq to Launch Sustainable Bond Comparison Tool
The exchange is improving the technical functionality of its Sustainable Bond Network, which launched in December.
This Week: CAT, SS&C, Nasdaq, SmartStream, OpenFin, OpenDoor & More
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
This Week: Vanguard, OneMarketData, SS&C, Xignite, Esma, SimCorp, Nasdaq
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
This Week: Northern Trust/BackRock, Nasdaq, IHS Markit/OpenGamma, MEMX, and More
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
This Week: S&P Global/Intapp/DealCloud; Rimes; Stifel/Nasdaq & More
A summary of some of the past week's financial technology news.
R3: Digital Asset Exchanges Will Expand Range of Traded Assets
The development of digital asset exchanges could disrupt capital markets by introducing new asset types and extending trading hours.
Nasdaq Repackages Clearing Platform for NFF Tech Stack
The exchange will add further portfolio applications to the NFF according to market demand.
Nasdaq ‘Rolls’ Report on Legal Cannabis Industry Data
The report provides data on Canada's legal cannabis market for US investors associated with the industry.
SEC, Exchanges Clash Over Revised Consolidated Tape Plans
US equity exchanges have pushed back aggressively against an SEC order directing them to submit a revised plan for operating the consolidated tapes of US equities quote and trade data.
This Week: ICE, Nasdaq/R3, BMLL/OpenFin, DASH
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.