Order and execution management system (OEMS)
Charles River launches Charles River IMS Version 9.1
Charles River Development has released Version 9.1 of the Charles River Investment Management System (Charles River IMS). This release, which completes Charles River's transition to a service-oriented architecture (SOA), integrates order and execution…
The New Front Line
Cover Story
Euro market ushers in next-generation trading platforms
The financial services industry is constantly evolving the tools and capabilities to trade greater volumes faster and more efficiently, and just as we witnessed phone-based trading supersede the open outcry model, we are now seeing screen-based trading…
Virtual Roundtable: Tight Bond or Weak Link?
Special Report
Hedge fund IT spending to fall below $1 billion
As hedge fund managers square up to the most precipitous market challenges in their history, the global hedge fund industry will likely have to contend with the prospects of fewer funds in business, lower total assets under management, and slashed…
Tech, Culture Hamper Cross-Asset Adoption
More markets going electronic and certain trading technologies becoming increasingly commoditized are two of the reasons for the rise in cross-asset trading seen recently, according to industry experts.
Jack of all trades
There is little doubt that large numbers of traditional asset managers and hedge funds have made the move to multi-asset trading in a near- or real-time environment but as Harrell Smith argues, not all supporting technologies were created equal
CRD announces EMS, enhances architecture and derivatives support
Charles River's IMS is something of a household name on the buy side, combining order management, compliance, and various analytics functions within a single, front-office platform. Now, the Burlington-MA-based vendor is preparing to enter the EMS market…
A Turning Point for Technology
Reaching for the buy side
InfoReach, the Chicago-based provider of execution management and FIX systems that has garnered significant buy-side support in the US since its founding in 1995, is the subject of this month’s product overview.
A case in point
Over the past several months, copious amounts of editorial ink have been devoted in this and other buy-side publications to the increasing interest of investment and hedge fund managers in execution management systems (EMS). Interest has, in turn, given…
Buy-side EMS spending gradually on the rise
BST analyses a recent Aite Group report on Execution Management Systems (EMS), concluding that, although EMS adoption across the buy side is set to increase in the coming years, growth will not be a swift as anticipated.
A long time coming
The Fidessa Workstation Execution Management Service falls under this month's Product Profile spotlight
Buy side to reduce reliance on proprietary algos
A recently published Tabb Group report suggests that buy-side organisations are increasingly likely to source their trading algorithms from third-party providers rather than develop them in-house. Stewart Eisenhart investigates
Global Support Fuels OMS, EMS Growth
NYSE Readies New Bond Platform
Trust me, I'm a vendor
EdgeTrade celebrates its tenth birthday this year at a time when there has never been greater demand for sophisticated trading algorithms across the buy side. Victor Anderson outlines the firm's philosophy, its strict client confidentially culture and…
A.G. Edwards Preps Program Desk