IEX Group
Size matters: US equity market players wrangle over new tick size regime
The industry expects the SEC to finalize the Reg NMS shake-up as soon as late summer. While there is broad agreement about the need for change, the extent of the reduction in access fees and tick sizes will have a big impact on markets.
Where does Pyth fit in?
A small number of exchanges have joined the Pyth Network. Nyela wonders whether the on-chain data distribution model fits in with the swift rise of data marketplaces.
Waters Wrap: Banks explore new avenues for cloud cooperation
As banks and asset managers move more workloads to the cloud, they’re trying to find ways to cooperate to cut costs and exert more influence over the likes of AWS, Google and Microsoft. Anthony wonders if these early efforts will yield beneficial results…
People Moves: HKEx, FCA, Clear Street, and more
A look at some of the key "people moves" from this week, including Prerak Sanghvi (pictured), who joins Clear Street as vice president of engineering.
Industry slams market data fee filing
Jo struggles to see how the SEC could approve fee proposals for exchange market data fees.
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em: The inexorable march of exchange data fees
Following IEX’s decision to begin charging nominal fees for its market data, Memx is the last one standing not yet charging for data. Max asks whether it will follow suit, or whether any exchange will be brave enough to take a stance on unpopular data…
Fee filings cloud hopes for cheaper NMS data
Aspirant ‘competing consolidators’ were hoping for a lot more leeway than they got in an important fee filing, Jo says. By Jo Wright
Buy one, get one free: Algos learn to multi-task
For years, brokers have offered suites of algorithms, each geared toward a certain strategy and outcome. Now, firms are compressing these into multifaceted algorithms that can switch between different strategies or markets in response to trading…
People Moves: FactSet, AFMA, Finos, Tradeweb and more
A look at some of the key "people moves" from this week, including Linda Huber (pictured), who joins FactSet as chief financial officer.
Burden of Proof: Meet the IEX breakaways looking to shake up broker algos
Founded with the principles of “transparency and academic rigor,” some say Proof’s model and technical approach is a test case for a new generation of cloud-native broker startups.
IEX Makes Expansion Bid as New Limit Order is Approved
The Investors Exchange is now looking to propose a second new order type for NBBO non-mid liquidity.
Exchanges, SEC At Odds Over Odd Lots
Industry insiders warn that the regulator’s attempts to modernize equities data by redefining trading lots will fall short of the mark if odd lot orders remain unprotected.
People Moves: SS&C, IEX, Quandl, Pico, ACA, Orbital Insight, Thasos
A look at some recent key people moves, including Carlo Di Florio (pictured), who joins ACA.
IEX’s First Fees Buck Data Charge Trend
IEX keeps its data fee-free, but announces charges for costly and inefficient "logical ports."
IEX Group Hires Chief People and Marketing Officers
Kate Gunning and Andrea Ledford will be based in New York.
Former SEC Commissioner Joins IEX Board of Directors
Kara Stein joins from the SEC, where she served since 2013.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 162: IEX on the Transaction Fee Pilot
IEX’s John Ramsay joins to talk about the SEC’s proposed Transaction Fee Pilot and why he thinks it should move forward.
Nasdaq Sues IEX for Trading, Data Patent Infringements
Nasdaq's lawsuit alleges infringement of a number of patents covering its trading process and certain data elements by IEX.
Data Fee Complainants Buoyed by SEC Appointee
Recent appointments at the US Securities and Exchange Commission have led some firms to believe regulators and policymakers will finally start to address what they believe to be opaque pricing structures for market data at exchanges. Joanne Faulkner…
Slowdown Showdown: Exchanges Eye 'Flash Boys' Speed Bumps
Exchanges that objected to IEX becoming an exchange are now planning to introduce their own IEX-style "speed bumps."
May 2017: Don’t Put All Your ESGs in One Basket
Max summarizes the highlights of the May issue of Inside Data Management.