Teradata Focuses on Data Model Extension for Settlement Data
Teradata to focus on data model extension to help firms meet data and risk management requirements
Video: Teradata's Dilip Krishna on Data Models
Teradata has seen a growing number of firms interested in data management programs aimed at ensuring consistency in the use of terms and values. Tine Thoresen speaks to Dilip Krishna, partner, financial services, North East, Teradata, about the data…
Standards Forum Kicks off With Focus on Co-Operation
The Standards Forum has kicked off today focusing on the changing standards landscape, co-operation and what will be in the spotlight at Sibos 2011 in Toronto
Internal Client Requirements Remain Top Driver of EDM Programs, Say Speakers
Increased pressure from regulators has not radically changed the focus of data management programs. The primary driver remains meeting internal client requirements, said panelists at the Headstrong and EDM Council event in London yesterday
Standardizing Company Names
What's in a name?
Speeding up the Standards Process
Regulators are running out of patience, and market practitioners need to up their game to speed up the standards-setting process, says Tine Thoresen
EDM Council Working Group Discusses Data Quality Standard
The EDM Council has initiated discussions about the possibility of using data quality standard ISO 8000 in the financial information industry
Global Markets Need a Common Language
Mind Your Language
Video: Bank of America's Dalglish at the European Financial Information Summit
Tom Dalglish, chief information architect, Equities, Bank of America, speaks to Tine Thoresen at the European Financial Information Summit in London.
EDM Council Gears up for OFR Implementation
EDM Council is looking at ways to support the US Treasury in the set-up of the OFR
IPUG: Open Letter to Bloomberg to Support Inclusion of Identifiers in Xymbology
IPUG has written a letter for members to send to Bloomberg in support of including Bloomberg symbologies in the FOW TRADEdata symbology mapping offering, Xymbology
Ref Data Industry Embraces Free Data Trend
Data vendors Avox and Bloomberg started making some data items free last year. With increased regulatory pressure and a move towards openness, market participants expect to see more vendors adopting a similar approach in coming years
Anna Follows up with ISO on RA Agreement
Anna has asked ISO for a meeting about the newly revised registration authority agreement for the ISIN standard, which is yet to take effect